Aust Ch Naragold Magic Of Darcy - Darcy
BISS Aust Gr Ch & NZ Ch Winterlea Son Of A Kiwi ET (Imp NZ) x Naragold Magic Happens

Hips 4:12
Elbows 0:0
Heart: clear
Eyes: Clear 2011
Elbows 0:0
Heart: clear
Eyes: Clear 2011
Darcy has the most beautiful soft happy golden temperament. From limited showing he has enjoyed success in both the specialty and all breeds ring, his success includes:
Multiple Puppy in Show and Best in Group awards
RDCC at the 2011 National Golden Retriever Championship Show under Annie Malte-Rasmussen (Denmark)
Multiple Puppy in Show and Best in Group awards
RDCC at the 2011 National Golden Retriever Championship Show under Annie Malte-Rasmussen (Denmark)