Show Results |
09/17/11 |
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Show Highlights 2011
Naragold Paradiso - Best Puppy in Show
at the Golden Retriever Club of South Australia 40th Anniversary Show under Mr Jim Richardson UK who wrote of Rueben:
"WOW is the word to describe this one. Outstanding youngster who is just my cup of tea. Won this class with loads to spare. Presents a totally balanced outline and has good length of leg. Attractive masculine head which has so much work in it. Superb angles at both ends. Deep in brisket. Strong pasterns. Level topline. Covered the ground with ease and style. Very hard to fault in any way. Would love to own him"
Ch Naragold Angelica Bitch Challenge and Runner-up Best in Show
at the Golden Retriever Club of South Australia Championship show under Mrs Audrey Richardson UK
Naragold Georgie Girl - Owned and loved by Jan Grierson
Best Puppy in Show
at the Golden Retriever Club of South Australia Championship show under Mrs Audrey Richardson UK
8th National Golden Retriever Show hosted by the Queensland Golden Retriever Club
Anni Malte Rasmussen (Denmark)
Aust Ch Naragold Magic of Darcy - 1st Open Dog class and RDCC
Critique: Well made all through, pleasing head and expression, with dark eye and pigment. Good front, well placed shoulder, excellent topline, mature, deep body, good bone, well bent stifles, good coat, moves with drive
Aust Ch Naragold Angelica - Best Open in Show
Critique: Very pleasing bitch, balanced with soft expression and good head, dark eye. Mature body, excellent neck, flowing through to her shoulders and topline. Good bone, well bent stifles, very good coat, moves with drive
Naragold Paradiso - 1st Minor Puppy Dog Class
Critique: 8 months, mature for his age, well proportioned, masculine head, sweet expression, good lay of shoulder, correct front, good spring of ribs, level topline, correct tailset, strong bone, well bent stifles, excellent outline, and good coat for his age. Moved well.
Aust Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) - 3rd Veteran Dog Class
Critique: 8 years old, with good head and expression, dark eye, correct shoulder, strong and level topline and tailset, deep body in good condition, strong bone, nice turn of stifle, beautiful coat, moves well
Aust Ch Naragold Petaluma (AI) - 3rd Australian Bred Bitch Class
Critique: Balanced bitch, nice head and dark eye, good neck, well placed shoulders level topline, correct rib cage, well angulated, in good double coat, moves well.
Aust Ch Naragold True Colours - Short listed for Intermediate Dog Class
April 2011
Pine Rivers Kennel Club Championship Show - Ms C Davies (NSW)
Ch Naragold True Colours - Best of Breed (21pts)
Ch Naragold Angelica - Bitch Challenge and RU BOB
Naragold Bright Star - Reserve Bitch Challenge and Minor Puppy of Breed
Sunshine Coast Kennel Club - Miss T Buckley (NSW)
Ch Naragold Angelica - Bitch Challenge and RU BOB
1 January 2011
Burnett Kennel Club Inc - Championship Show
Mrs J Weston (ACT)
Aust Ch Naragold True Colours - BOB and BEST IN GROUP Aust Ch Giltedge Shakespeare in Love - BCC, RU BOB
2 January 2011
Burnett Kennel Club Inc - Championship Show
Mr W Weston (ACT)
Aust Ch Naragold True Colours - BOB and Intermediate in Group Aust Ch Shakespeare in Love - BCC Naragold Paradiso - Baby Puppy of Breed
4 December 2010
Combined CCC Clubs Sub Committee - Championship Show
Mrs P Hewitt (NSW)
Giltedge Shakespeare in Love - Best of Breed (25 Pts), Junior of Breed and Championship Title!
Ch Naragold True Colours - 1st Junior Dog Class
November 2010
Caboolture Kennel Club
Mr P Suir
Giltedge Shakespeare in Love - RBCC and Junior of Breed
Ch Naragold True Colours - RDCC
May 2010
8 May 2010
Crows Nest Show Society - Championship Show
Naragold Petaluma - Bitch Challenge and final points for Australian Championship Title.
Naragold True Colour - Puppy of Breed
February 2010
28th February
Gympie & District Kennel Club Inc - Mrs L Brand (NSW)
Naragold True Colours - Best of Breed (14 pts)
January 2010
3rd January
Maryborough Kennel Club - Mr E Ryder (Qld)
Naragold True Colours - Minor Puppy in Group
16th January
Burnett Kennel Club - Ms C Cederman (NZ)
Ch Naragold Angelica - Best of Breed Giltedge Shakespeare in Love - Runner up Best of Breed and Minor Puppy in Group Naragold True Colours - Dog Challenge and 1st Puppy Sweepstakes
17th January
Burnett Kennel Club - Mr G Doyle (NZ)
Ch Naragold Angelica - Best of Breed Naragold True Colours - Dog Challenge Giltedge Shakespeare in Love - Minor Puppy in Show
2009 Naragold Girls at the recent Victorian Golden Retriever Club Championship Show
Reserve BCC
Naragold Hill of Grace (AI) - owned by Lesley List (Haydengold)
First Intermediate Bitch Class
Aust Ch Naragold Angelica
July 2009 Golden Retriever Club of Queensland Championship Show Judge: Mr Wayne Pearson (Vic) Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) - Dog Challenge and Runner up Best in Show Ch Naragold Angelica - Best Opposite Intermediate in Show Naragold Reconnaissance - Best Opposite Australian Bred in Show Ch Naragold Magic of Darcy - 3rd Intermediate Dog Class
May 2009 Gold Coast Show Society Mrs L Watson (Vic) Naragold Reconnaisance - Best of Breed and shortlisted for Group Ch Naragold Angelica - RBCC and Junior in Group
March 2009 Gundog and Heavy Breeds Club Inc - Sat 28th February 2009 Mrs A Hearn (VIC) Naragold Angelica - Bitch Challenge and Junior of Breed Naragold Petaluma (AI) - Reserve Bitch Challenge
Gympie and District Kennel Club - Sun 1 March 09 Mrs V Morrow (NSW) Naragold Angelica - Best of Breed and Junior in Group Naragold Petaluma (AI) - Reserve Bitch Challenge
February 2009 Bundaberg Canine Club Championship show- Sunday 8th February Mrs DJ Tyssen (NZ) Aust Ch Naragold Magic of Darcy - Best of Breed, Runner up Best in Group and Runner up Best in Show
Naragold Angelica - BCC and RU BOB and Best Junior in Show
Bundaberg Canine Club Championship Show - Saturday 7th February Mrs G Gulbransen (NZ) Naragold Magic of Darcy - Best of Breed and Aust Ch Title!! Naragold Petaluma (AI) - Bitch CC and RU BOB Naragold Angelica - RBCC
January 2009 Beenleigh & District Kennel Club - 30 January 2009 Mrs S Sloan (NZ) Naragold Angelica - Bitch Challenge, Runner up BOB (13 pts) Naragold Petaluma (AI) - RBCC
2008 December 2008 Combined CCC Sub Committee - 6 December 2008 Mr P Martin (SA) Naragold Angelica - Bitch Challenge (16pts)
November 2008 Caboolture Kennel Club Mr L Hearne (VIC) Naragold Angelica Puppy in Group
Sunshine Coast Kennel Club Naragold Angelica RBCC, Puppy of Breed
October 2008 Queensland Gundog Association Ms T Mol (WA) Naragold Angelica RBCC, Puppy of Breed
Ipswich Kennel Club Mrs N Zammerl (Qld) Naragold Angelica RBCC, RUBOB Naragold Magic of Darcy Dog Challenge
September 2008 Allora Kennel Club Dr G Cowie Naragold Angelica Best of Breed and Minor in Show Naragold Magic of Darcy Dog Challenge, RUBOB
July 2008 Golden Retriever Club of Queensland Championship Show - Mrs Barbara Moore (SA)
Aust Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) Dog Challenge and Runner-up Best in Show Critique: A close thing between 1 & 2 both very well presented dogs. . Preferred the top line of 1 on the move. Very good head, great angles front and rear. Well boned . Nice tight feet. Level topline on the move, I wasnt looking for speed but correct movement. Good coat. Dog CC , Reserve and Op Sex in Show
Naragold Magic of Darcy Best Intermediate in Show Critique: Gorgeous head with sweet expression. Well boned with good pigment. Deep Mature body. Well angled front and rear , Level topline on the stack and move. Well presented coat.
Naragold Angelica Opposite Sex Minor Puppy in Show Critique: Couldnt deny this very well balanced puppy 1st place. So sweet in head and expression. Great pigment. Angles good front and rear. Nice tight feet. . This one will have a great future.
Goldfleece Sonata in C 2nd Baby puppy bitch class (By Aust Ch Naragold Merlin out of Stanroph Second to None (Imp UK)) Naragold Petaluma 2nd Intermediate Bitch class Naragold Reconnaissance 4th Australian Bred dog class
June 2008 Gympie Kennel Club Mr P Andrews (SA) Naragold Magic of Darcy Best of Breed Naragold Angelica Minor in Group
7th Golden Retriever National Championship Show, Adelaide under Marlene Sillence (UK) Naragold Angelica - Best Baby Puppy in Show Critique: Very together at nearly 6 months. In super coat and condition, beautiful head with melting expression, straight front, reachy neck into well laid shoulder, well proportioned body, moved and showed well. Naragold Magic of Darcy - 4th Intermediate Dog Class Critique: Nice outline in good proportions, very balanced head with soft expression, deep through the heart, well handled
2007 Golden Retriever Club of South Australia Championship Show Judge: Mrs. Liz Keene (UK) RDCC and Australian Bred in Show - Aust Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) Critique: Of obvious quality this super young mid-gold dog excels in outline, very typey, with a most typical head and gently expression, excellent forehand with corresponding quarters, good spring of rib, correct tail set carrying the right amount of weight, sound driving movement with ample reach in front, at one with handler, Reserve CC. Best Puppy in Show - Naragold Magic of Darcy
Critique: Such a well balanced
young dog and at this age is quite stunning in outline, adored his head
and expression, kind in eye, super angles front and rear, well developed
body with plenty of heart room, strong quarters and well let down hocks,
moved very well, at one with handler, Im sure a future title holder. Northern Classic Kennel Club - Durack Judge: Mrs. H Morrison (Tas) BOB (25 Points) and Puppy in Group - Naragold Magic of Darcy
Golden Retriever Club of Queensland Championship Show 2007 Judge: Mrs Janet Barrow (UK) Runner up Best in Show - Aust Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) Best Puppy in Show - Naragold Magic of Darcy 4th Aust Bred Bitch Class - Aust Ch Goldfleece Muscatel
Waterloo Bay Kennel Club - Durak 13 May 2007 Judge: Ms Jill Pearson (Vic) Naragold Petaluma (AI) - Junior in Group Naragold Magic of Darcy - Minor Puppy in Show
Canine Health Sub-Comittee - Easter Championship Show - Durak Saturday 7th April 2007 Judge Mrs S Mashford (Vic) Ch Goldfleece Muscatel - Bitch Challenge (17 Points)
2006 Critique from the 6th Golden Retriever National Championship Show hosted by the Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club, Hobart.
Caboolture Kennel Club Championship Show Saturday 25th November Judge Mrs R Thompson (WA) BCC, BOB Goannagold Spice Girl (25 points) (Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) x Goldfleece Out of the Blue) RDCC Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) Minor in Group Naragold Petaluma (AI) Puppy in Group Goannagold Spice Girl
Sunshine Coast Kennel Club Championship Show Sunday 26th November Judge Mrs S McMahon (NSW) DCC, BOB Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) (18 points) BCC Goannagold Spice Girl (11 points) Minor in Group Naragold Petaluma (AI) Australian Bred in Group Ch Naragold Merlin
19th and 20 November 2006 6th Golden Retriever National Championship Show hosted by the Tasmanian Golden Retriever Club, Hobart Judge Mr and Mrs Mills (UK) Opposite Sex Intermediate in Show - Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) 3rd Minor Puppy Bitch Class - Naragold Hill of Grace (AI) 4th Minor Puppy Bitch Class - Naragold Petaluma (AI)
Sunday 16 July 2006 Golden Retriever Club of Queensland - Ms Erika Ward (WA) ex UK Judge Best In Show - Ch Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI)
Sunday 7th May - Clarence Dist Kennel ClubMs L Stalhandske (SWD) DCC, BOB and Intermediate in Group - Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) This gave Willow his Championship Title!!!!! Baby Puppy in Group - Goannagold Spice Girl (Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) x Goldfleece Out of the Blue) 2nd 3 6 Month Sweepstakes Goannagold Spice Girl
Saturday 6th May - Clarence Dist. Kennel Club Judge Mrs S Shrigley (TAS) DCC Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) Baby Puppy in Group Goannagold Hiro (Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) x Goldfleece Out of the Blue) 2nd 3 6 Month Sweepstakes Goannagold Hiro
Friday 5th May - Clarence Pastoral & Ag. Soc. Judge Mr J Stanton (NZ) DCC Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) RBCC Naragold Beatrice Baby Puppy in Group Goannagold Spice Girl (Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) x Goldfleece Out of the Blue) 1st 3 6 Month Sweepstakes Goannagold Spice Girl
Kilcoy A.P. & I Soc. - Saturday 22nd April 2006 Goldfleece Knock on Wood (AI) - Reserve DCC and Intermediate of Breed
This site was last updated 09/17/11 |